Thursday, September 28, 2017

Front Porch Friday-"Quiet Time Tips That Really Work"


      I have been trying so hard to have a daily quiet time with the Lord.  I am trying to do this not so I can check off another box on the to do list but because I truly crave that daily alone time with the Lord.  Lets face it we are all busy Moms, Mamaws, Wives, Ladies so how do we find this time.  I have found a few tips that help me so sharing them with you.

  1. Do it in the morning unless you are truly a night owl and the thought of one more thing to do in the morning makes you physically sick.  If so have your quiet time at night, God doesn't care when we meet with Him, just that we do.
  2. Use a plan.  If you fail to plan you can probably plan to fail.  I personally am using Youversion on my phone right now.  They have plans on lots of subjects and things or times you might be going through.  I read the devotion on the phone and use my bible to read the scriptures. However the world won't stop turning if you read your bible on your phone.
  3. Be honest about yourself. Be honest with yourself though.  If you are not having any quiet time then don't start off trying to read too much. Pick one small plan or one short book like Jude or maybe Psalms which to me is so soothing.  You probably won't go from nothing to an hour a day.
  4. Get enough rest. Get Physical rest, go to bed a few minutes earlier, push the snooze one time.  If we are exhausted physically then quiet time can truly become just one more thing eating up our time.  But also Rest in the Lord, if one day all you can do is sit and just pray and say today I am tired Lord, I love you and I am tired.  Just let the Lord hold you in peace and quiet for a few minutes.
  5. Give yourself a break.   There is no perfect quiet time.   Let me repeat that.  There is no perfect quiet time.  Do what works for you, at a time that works for you and just do it. If you miss a day say Lord, I am sorry and go again.   

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