Several of my friends every year choose "one word" for their year. Most people make all kinds of resolutions which barely make it past January but the movement behind one word is that you choose one word instead. One word is something you can focus on but yet it moves and flows with you through the year.
Unlike resolutions or even goals which are easily broken, this is one word that I will keep coming back to as the mission or theme for the whole year.
I decided to give it a try and the word I kept coming back to was REST. Well, I am not sure what I expected but rest has not come easily this year. It has been one battle after another and rest seemed far away. I have to admit I chose the word on my own. I did not pray or seek what God would have me to choose.
At the end of September through a sequence of events my Pastor and I decided I needed to take a Sabbatical or a rest for the month of October. I was not totally happy but followed his leading and after prayer. I am Childrens Ministries Director at our church and it is a very time consuming position. It is a position I love and cannot imagine not doing. However I let it and more overload me.
I was not really sure how this would go but the Children's program did not fall apart and I did survive. Not only did it survive but so did I. I got to go to Sunday school and preaching service, something I do honestly not get to do often enough. It was like every lesson and sermon was just what I needed. I learned I do need to pray more and ask God what He wants me to do and not what I want or other people want. I learned something can be good but doesn't mean I have to do it. I learned to rest in God.My month is over and I am back in class and my position. However, what I learned this month continues. It took me almost a whole year but I have learned to rest, not so much in the physical sense but in Gods grace, forgiveness and strength.
Not sure what my word will be next year but I know this, it will be something I have prayed over and asked God about.
Have you ever chose a word for the year? Will you choose one for 2016? I will let ya'll know in January what word the Lord led me to.
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