War Room was one of the biggest movies of 2015. I was blessed to go and see it at the movies and then received the DVD for Christmas too.
Every since the movie came out, I have heard so many talking about their war room. The movie really made me think. I was one of those who came home looking for a place to make a war room in my home.
For those who have not seen the movie, a war room is your prayer closet. A place you go to and pray to God for people and needs in your life. When you pray in secret, God hears and answers you. So many have made prayer rooms in their homes but something God recently has been saying to me is this, so you have a war room but do you have room for me?
Many years ago when Jesus came to this earth as that tiny baby, there was no room at the Inn, no one had room for the baby to be born. Jesus ended up being born in a stable and laid in a manger, made for animals.
Many years later, Jesus is still knocking on doors looking for room for Him. He is knocking on the door of our hearts. I wonder how many of us still turn Him away?
Now, I am all in favor of having a war room, prayer closet or whatever you want to call it. I think they are great. But, we also need to make sure we have room for Jesus too. When we go into that room, we need to have our hearts ready and full of Jesus. We need to not just lift up needs, but also praise and thanks. Also when we come out of that room, we need to take Jesus with us in our hearts and in our daily lives.
I have not took a picture of my war room but I hope to take one soon and if you have a war room, I would love to hear about it or see pictures of it. I think having a war room can be very important in your life. But more importantly I want to know if you have Jesus in your heart. You can know for sure and if you are not sure, please talk to me,talk to your Pastor or someone and let them show you how you can know.
I heard this song and thought it was perfect to go along with this post and I hope it will touch your heart as it did mine.