Monday, December 6, 2010

Peace On Earth Challenge For December=Week 2

     Courtney over at has issued a challenge for the month of December to put more peace in our lives and shift the focus back to where the focus of Christmas should be.
     Here's this week's challenge: Take out your calendar and SCHEDULE a night where you will take a warm refreshing bubble bath. Bring your Bible. Read the story of the birth of Jesus in Matthew 1, 2 and Luke 1,2.
     Here's why: A bubble bath is something COMPLETELY free that only you can give yourself. It is something we do alone and a place where we can stop the rush, hush, reflect and see clearly. I know there is a temptation at the end of a weary day to turn on the television and have a snack. This is a common stress reliever - but it doesn't get us alone with God and it doesn't give us the peace that our souls long for. Television is empty. God's word is full.
     An awesome bubble bath takes planning so here's what you need:
1. Privacy - all children asleep and the husband aware that you don't want to be interrupted
2. Hot water and loads of Bubbles - preferably ones that smell yummy!
3. Some soft music
4. A hand towel rolled up as a pillow
5. A cold/hot drink to set beside the tub
6. Your Bible and if you are afraid you'll get it wet - exchange it for a good Christian book or simply quietness - reflecting on your day and talking with God in prayer.Maybe play a CD of the bible instead of music
Optional: a lit candle
     Now sit back, RELAX, be alone with just you and God - 25 minutes and VOILA - you emerge a new woman.
     Do not wait until the house is clean, the laundry is folded, and your presents are all wrapped. It will never be all done! Give yourself permission in the midst of your busyness to have a moment of peace - Peace on Earth.
     I can hear you now, I don't have time for this but you do, whatever you want to make a priority you WILL find the time to do.  Make you and God a priority and you will be surprised how much better everything else goes.  I hope you will try this....My plan is later bath with lots of bubbles and maybe a duckie or two.....peace...ah....peace!

Merry CHRISTmas,

Peace On Earth Challenge For December

     Courtney over at has issued a peace on earth challenge for the month of December. I am going to see how it goes, it worth a shot if it can help make my life any less stressful and help put the focus of Christmas where it should be and that is on Jesus,the REAL REASON for the season.
     Here is the 1st challenge(I am a week behind but figure better late than never)---
This week challenge is Write at the top of your December calendar page--I Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.This will be a reminder every time you look at your calendar and feel anxious about all you have to get done - to pray. God cares for you. Release your worries to him and rest in him.
     Also, go buy an extra large candle and light a candle everyday in your home in the month of December. I will be starting mine this morning! But you can start yours anytime. I will be placing mine in the living room - the main hub of my home. Each time the candle catches your eye, say a prayer for peace in your home.
     Dont let the hustle and bussal take you away from what this holiday is all about, the BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST and keeping our focus on HIM, not all the "stuff" we have to do all month.

Merry CHRISTmas,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gratitude Challenge and so much more

I decided I would join the Gratitude challenge I had saw on someone's blog.  I started off with a bang for all of 3 days and then excuse after excuse came up with why I could not do it. 

I have been making lots of excuses lately-why I treat my husband, kids, inlaws and friends the way I do.  Nothing is my fault, it happened because of this or that.  I make excuses for when my house is not clean or responsibilities are not met.  I make excuses when I don't want to do something.  I make excuses for not reading my bible or going to church more.  I mean I am at church most every service but I am always in class, nursery or somewhere doing something.  I have been so busy doing things that I have not been meeting with or serving God.  But even that is an excuse because when I had a chance to go to the preaching service,  mostly didn't and I had an excuse for that too.  But that is just it they were and are excuses.  I have no real reasons for most of it.

Well, through a series of events of job losses, getting hurt, having surgeries, son, daughter-in-law and grandkids being sick, stresses and hurting the people I love the most, God has finally got my attention.  He pretty much told me He doesn't take excuses.  However, He does forgive and give us another chance to do better.  So with God's help I will be getting rid of the excuses and doing my best with His help to be the wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, teacher, leader, friend and most importantly child of God that I can be.  Will I mess up again, probably so but prayerfully not so many times or ways.  I know it will not change over night but I know it can change because Phil. 4:13 says all things are possible with God.

I hope this does not offend anyone or make you think less of me.  Just pray for me that with God's help I can go forward and do better, after all we are all just sinners saved by grace. Today I am thankful for my salvation and that God is the God of many chances and much grace.

Until next time,God bless,

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2010 Gratitude Challenge-Day 3

Today, I am thankful that the clinic I went to today is paying for my medicines.  I went to the Dr and she gave me several prescriptions.  I was praying for where the money was going to come from to pay for them.  The lady looked at me as she is stamping them and says, "We are going to pay for your medicines for you today".  I was like so thankful, to them and especially to God.  it was such a blessing. 
God bless,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2010 Gratitude Challenge-Day 2

 This month, I’m participating in a Gratitude Challenge hosted by  Brenda at Garden of Learning.  The challenge is to write a post each day in November about something that I am thankful for. That’s 30 days of gratitude posts!  I don’t think that will be hard to do, as I am thankful for so much every day of the year.

For Day 2-I was getting ready to go to bed last night and I was thinking about my day.  My oldest son is sick and so is his wife, they are both undergoing tests to fully diagnose them.  The Dr is thinking he has diverticulitis and are looking at fibro possibly for her.  Then on top of that their oldest and my only grandson has PKU and he got a Little Debbie Cake and ate the whole thing, for him that is VERY serious.  Well, anyway I guess you are wondering where I am going with this for being thankful but this is it....I am thankful that as sick as they are God is in control.  He is the Great Physician and He can make them better.  I am also thankful cause when I go to bed at night and I say my prayers, I know He is awake watching over them and all my family, so I can sleep in peace.  That is what I am thankful for today.
God bless,

Monday, November 1, 2010

2010 Gratitude Challenge

This month, I’m participating in a Gratitude Challenge hosted by  Brenda at Garden of Learning.  The challenge is to write a post each day in November about something that I am thankful for. That’s 30 days of gratitude posts!  I don’t think that will be hard to do, as I am thankful for so much every day of the year. 

I thought long and hard about what should be my first post of what I am thankful for......I am so thankful for my family.

I am thankful for my, because they are my family and I love them.  But, more important than that is that we all live and try to serve God.  We make mistakes, we have issues but no matter what, we are always there to love, pray for and help each other.  God and family, they are the most important thing in my life.
God bless,

And the winner is.......

     I took everyone who stopped by and entered the giveaway and wrote their names down. For each chance your name went in again. Me and T folded them and he placed them in our blue pumpkin and he drew out the winners name and the winner is (sorry you can't read on the paper he is holding up) is Laura.  Laura if you will text me or email or facebook me your mailing address we will get your prize in the mail to you.  Thanks to all and I hope you will keep stopping by to visit us.

God bless,
Pat ( and T )

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Life as I know It, where I have been and a giveaway....

        I know I have not posted lately because I got hurt and I could not get on the computer for awhile then I just got the blahs.    
     Just to let you know, if you don't already.  On August 31st I was helping my daughter-in-law hang curtains in the kids bedrooms in their house they were getting ready to move into.  Well, I fell after we hung the last one and ended up going by ambulance to the ER.  This led to braces, a walker, 2 knee surgeries, a pulled hamstring and oh so much more.  I am still recuperating from the 2nd knee surgery but am doing much better.  This has been a long process.  
      Good things have come from this bad thing such as Jenny being forced to drive, people learning to stand on their own feet a little and I have received so many, many wonderful blessings from food, money, visits, cards and most of all prayers.  Still I have let the devil put me in the blahs but the blahs need to go.

      So, I decided to have a giveaway and be a blessing to someone else and at the same time maybe get a few people to visit my blog which I hope to get moving and keep moving the rules are this....

1) For once chance to win...comment below
2) Follow my blog or let me know you do for another chance
3) Post about this on your blog for another chance 
4) If you do all of the above you get a bonus chance to win

I will let this giveaway run until this Saturday night.....Sunday I will choose a random winner from all entries and I will announce the winner on here on Monday and your package will also go out on Monday or soon as you let me know your mailing address.

God bless,

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ October 18

I tried another blog meme but just felt pulled back to this one, I just enjoy it so much more...nothing against others but this is just right for me,hope you will enjoy it too, God bless all!

Here is my Daybook entry for today ~
Outside my window. the sun is shining and it is a nice fall day, hoping for some rain soon though
I am thinking. . .I have so much that needs to be done and not quite sure where to begin
From the learning room. . .getting us back on pace with our paces after my surgeries and other setbacks
I am thankful for. .  my friends and family-I am so blessed
From the kitchen. . .so many dishes and stuff that did not get done this weekend
I am wearing. . .pink shirt and blue capris
I am creating. . .some thank you cards to send out for all that has been done for me recently
  I am going. . to be so busy for the whole week, pray I can get it all done
I am reading. . .mostly just my bible, need to start a new devotional
I am hoping. . .to get a letter out to a friend today
I am hearing. . . Yogi Bear which my little grandson is watching
Around the house. . .lots that needs to be decluttered
One of my favorite things. . .spending time with my little grandkids
A few plans for the rest of the week. . .cleaning, organizing, school, work on church projects and spend time with my family
Here is a picture thought I am sharing. . .
This is a picture of my inlaws, they are both in heaven now.  Today would have been Carrolls 74th birthday.  I hope him and Frankie enjoy it in heaven.  I miss them both.

Thanks to Peggy at The Simple Woman’s Daybook for this wonderful meme. Visit Peggy to find the October list of participants in The Simple Woman’s Daybook.

God bless,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Book Review-Embracing Your Second Calling

      I was sent a book to review for a while back and it took me awhile to get through the book.  It took me a little while to admit I might fit in the category of this book.  It is a book by Dale Hansen Bourke about the second half of your life and your calling for it.  I have known since my first child was born almost 24 years ago that my calling was to care for my children, home and hubby.  I worked with the Children's ministries at church also.  Children was my life at home and for God.  Then I looked around for a second and my children were all grown or almost there.  I wasn't quite sure where I was or what my calling from God was anymore.
     This book is a good guide to help you that the next part of your life is still valuable and what you and God see as your calling to serve Him.  I recommend this book for anyone who finds themselves at that point in their life where they need to slow down and maybe even stop, take stock and see where they are and where they are going in their service to God. 
     Thanks Booksneeze for the chance to review this book.  I look forward to a long time commitment with your company.  For anyone interested in reading a book and reviewing it on your blog then go to and sign up.
God bless,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Homekeeper's Journal: Nesting 9/15/10

I just came across this weekly meme from the Christian HomeKeeper Network the other day at Susan(By Grace's blog I like it because it is helpful, not simply fun questions, and because it asks thoughtful questions. I hope to participate regularly. I don't want my blog to be all meme's but this one I really like so I am going to try it.
This week’s Homekeeper’s Journal is all about Nesting …. 
Let’s define our terms... 
Nest - a snug retreat or refuge; resting place; home 
Nesting - to build or have a nest 
Its time to start nesting and get my home cozy and comfortable for the cooler days ahead.  I want to create a retreat from the world, a resting place, home.Get your thinking caps on and lets talk about how we can arrange, order, decorate and change our homes so that they are a warm wonderful retreat for our families this Autumn and Winter.
My kitchen would be more inviting if …………. I could remodel and have a place for them to sit and sip a cup of tea and fellowship
My best tip for making a home seem more welcoming …..candles, quilts and soft music
To give the feeling of warmth in my home I often ….. light candles.I love the smell of fall candles and I love to decorate with pumpkins and leaves
In the cooler months, it is essential for me to ….have hot apple cider and hot chocolate and hot tea-my family loves hot drinks when they come in from the cold

Some favorite Autumn/Winter recipes are …..Turkey chili with a big pan of cornbread and shredded cheese---We use turkey because my grandson has PKU and cannot have the beef.  He cannot have the cheese either but we make the cornbread with his milk so he can have some-he calls it "cake".
My chili is so easy---
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 1/2 pounds lean ground turkey
1 envelope chili seasoning mix
1/2 cup water
1 can (14.5 ounces) diced tomatoes, undrained
Tomato juice

Heat oil in a large, heavy skillet. Cook ground turkey over medium heat until it is no longer pink. Stir in chili seasoning mix and water. Then I add remaining ingredients, using just enough to make the chili the thick or thinness I want. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve with cornbread and shredded cheese.
PS-You can add beans but my family likes it without beans
 A Quick Tip for making your house more inviting ……Feel comfortable and your guests will too-take the time to pay attention and make them feel welcome and they will feel it too.
Now it's your turn!
1. Make your own entry at your blog using the prompts that are in bold type above.
2. Finish out the prompts with your own words.
3. Grab the Homekeeper’s Journal picture and use it on your blog with a link to CHK.
4. Go back to CHK and put your blog entry in the linky on this week's Homekeeper's Journal post.
 I hope you will join in and I look forward to seeing your answers too.....

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook August 30~2010

Outside my window...Sunny and Quiet
I am thinking.. .How nice it will be when my kids and grandkids get moved across the street from us
I am reading... My bible
 I am hoping..That we can get everything done for the kids to move in
I am hearing... The fan blowing cool air on me
On my mind… Relationships that need working on
 From the kitchen.. Stuff that needs to be done
Noticing that… I am slower and ready t be a little slower paced in my life
My Scripture thought: I Peter 5:8
Around the house...Cleaning and Organizing my home for fall
 One of my favorite things... Spending time with family
 I am thankful for... God and family
From the Learning Rooms...Trying to get organized for the year
  I am wearing...  jean skirt and yellow shirt
I am going...To clean and hang curtains in the kids new house
I am creating... a oasis from the world in my home for my family and friends
A few plans for the rest of the week... working on the kids new house, Moms meeting at church and school
'Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you ~~~~~to come later~~~~~

to read more daybooks go to 



Thursday, August 26, 2010

Basic Training In the Home

Train up a child in the way he should go:and when he is old, he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6

Anyone who knows me knows I love this verse.  It reminds me that all we can do is teach our kids right and teach the way of the Lord, take them to church and train them to serve the Lord.  They may mess up as we all do but they will always have that training in their heart.

I was reading my devotion for this morning from a book called "Prayers & Promises for Women"  I thought I would share part of it it with ya'll.  It says...

"I am no educator,Father,and my knowledge of theology is far from great,but I long to teach my children about You through my daily life and example."

I have heard we teach alot by what we say but more by what we do.  Anyway this devotion got me to thinking, what am I teaching my children and grandchildren especially by what I do as well as say.  We are all training the children and others in our lives, but what are we teaching?  Are we training them for God or not?  Take a few moments today I beg you to join me in thinking about this and if you don't like the answer then this is the day to change. 

God bless,

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I got to go to church tonight-we are having revival. So many times at church I am working with the kiddos and I love that and them. Tonight I was in the service though and it was amazing. You could feel the Holy Spirit moving in the service. There was singing, testimonies and almost everyone in the building went to the altar to pray with their family. There was husbands and wives, parents and kids, inlaws and friends. I was privileged to get to pray with both my sons. Church started at 7 pm and it was 8:15 before Bro. Chris Dallas started preaching but God was preaching all night long. As they say, it was good to be in Gods house and He was definitely home. It was one of the best services I have experienced in a long time.

I am also so thankful for Amanda and Jenny keeping the kiddos and babies so others could be in the service. They were a big part of the service and I want to publically say Thanks to both of them and also to Gabi and Amber M for helping them.

Just wanted to share how amazing God is in my life. I hope He is in yours too.
God bless,
Pat and family

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New School Year 2010

My youngest son, Stephen, is homeschooled but he does ACE paces from our churches Christian school. We also do extra things to add to the paces. We do field trips, we do Home Economics and we do life skills classes among other things. Today was our technical first day and it was interesting but we made it through. I love having him at home and teaching him, it is a blessing from God.

Today we started off with a bang-he did his Hope stuff(a program our church runs on Friday nights), read his bible and worked on his memory verses. After that it was on to paces. We were doing real good and then we took lunch break.

After lunch I had to keep the grands so we did not get a whole lot done this afternoon in paces but we used the opportunity to learn some life skills. He can help with the babies as good as I can. After they went home we continued on with our journey with him cooking supper for Mrs. Peggy-she is our church secretary. She is in her 70's and fell and broke her kneecap and so we have been supplying food for her and the ones caring for her. Tonight was our turn so Stephen cooked and I took him to take it to her.

So we may not have gotten quite as many pages done today as I would have liked in our paces but he did learn to make a meal and care about others and their needs. All in all I think we had a pretty good day. I hope ya'lls school year whether with homeschooling, private or public is getting off to a great start too.
God bless,
Pat and family

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Welcome to my blog.....

Welcome to my new blog. I have tried blogging on another site but they made too many changes and it was really just about homeschooling. Homeschooling is a part of our life but only one part. I am starting a blog here to share a little about all our life with family and friends near and far. I hope you will enjoy visiting with us and come back often to see what is going on in our little corner of the world.
God bless,
Pat and family

Taking a Break to see if I want to continue

I am taking a break from here.  I am not sure if I want to continue or if my blog is another thing that is just a thing of the past.  I ...