Tuesday, December 31, 2013

One Word

        As I was thinking ahead to 2014 I started thinking about what God would have me to do and where He would have me to go in all areas of my life.  I have several friends who choose a word or a verse to focus on for the new year.  I prayed and wondered what my word would be. I chose a word and was sure it was the one.  I have felt though that maybe I chose the word and not God and today I have been led to my word for 2014.  
     The word I will focus on for 2014 will be believe.  I know that God is my savior and that I am truly saved.  I have complete hope of spending eternity in heaven. One of the last things my Moma said to me before she got her wings was, "I believe".  I think she was letting me know she knew where she was going and that she was ready.  I have felt like God has been questioning me about my belief.  As I said not in my belief of salvation or in Him but COMPLETE belief.
     I stress way too much, I worry and wonder.  I know some of that may be natural.  However I want my belief and trust to be stronger in all areas of my life.  In Matthew 21:25b it says "Why did ye not believe him?" I don't want God to be questioning if I believe or not.  I want to trust in Him and know in everything;to believe.
     The verses I will be focusing on in 2014 are:
      Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. 
      Mark 9:24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.
     Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
     This is where I will be focusing in 2014.  What about you, do you choose a word, verse(s) or make goals, resolutions or anything?  Where do you want your life to go in 2014?  I would love to hear from ya'll if you do choose.
I am linking this up with The Time Warp Wife at her Titus 2sdays

God bless and prayers for 2014,

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bloggy break and I'm back!

     I am so sorry that I haven't posted in awhile but I got sick and have another infection my leg, had tons of family in for Thanksgiving and have been so busy at church.  I apologize if anyone is reading this but I really needed some time.  My leg is better, things are smoothing out and I'm back and hopefully my blog will be better than ever.

God bless,

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sermon Notes-Will You Pass The Test?

Sermon Notes:  Will you pass the test?

Question 1----Are you spending time daily in your bible?
Question 2----Do you have a time of prayer between you and God?
Question 3----Do you keep yourself in the love of God?
Question 4----Are you looking for the Lord's return?
Question 5----Are you winning souls to the Lord?

There are only 5 questions so they are worth 20 points each.  Did you pass the test?  If not God always allows retests so just get busy.  I for one know I want to retest and raise my score.

God bless,

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Instilling A Love Of Reading!

     I have always loved to read and still do when I have time.  I loved reading to my kids when they were little and they loved to go to any program the library had for kids.  I have read to my grands some and they liked but recently they have really come alive with reading.

We took them to a party at the library for little ones on Halloween night and they had a blast. The first thing they wanted to know was when we could go back.  The next day we took them all back to check out their own books.  We found out the library has a reading program for little ones on Wednesdays at 10:30 am so we went today for the first time.  They had a blast listening to stories and then they made these cute little turkeys for Thanksgiving.   

 They got asked to have their turkeys posted on the library bulletin board.  They will get them back at the end of the month.  The girls could not wait to show Daddy their pictures on the wall.

Also their pediatrician has a reading program and every time they go to the library they are allowed to pick a book to take home and keep so they can build their own library at home.  They also had a candy buy back program where you could take some of your Halloween candy to them and they would give you a book.  The kids wanted to do this and we liked that they got a book and the candy will go in Operation Christmas shoeboxes and also will be used in a fundraiser to support a scholarship for a student at a local school.  We thought it was a win win situation.

I am just loving seeing the grands wanting to read and have a love of books.  Does your town do anything to support reading?  Do you read to your kids and have books they can look at and learn to read?  One other thing I have done is get the kids library bags for Christmas and I am so excited to give them to them.  I hope I can wait til Christmas.  I would love to hear what you do to instill a love of reading in your kids or grands.

God bless, 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Homeschool With Sick Kids!

     I am homeschooling my youngest who is a senior in highschool.  Yesterday he was sick so we took a sick day and did no school.  Today he is better but still sick so he thought no school again today. Moma had other thoughts and plans.

This is what he was imagining  for today with maybe a little tv or playstation to make him feel better of course.

This is what Moma was imagining, we would do geometry, chemistry and all the classes anyway. I mean he is homeschooled so he can't make anybody sick.  I can give him medicine and everything and school would go on as planned. I taught him the lesson and gave him his assignments and when I came back this is what I found.

 Well, he is homeschooled, so I was nice and let him take a quick nap and now we are back to work. What do you that homeschool do when the sickies come to your house?  Do you take sick days or is it school as usual? Don't you love that with homeschool you do have so many options and yet still get all the work done.

This is my son that I am homeschooling, T!

God bless,

Monday, November 4, 2013

What represents God's love to you?


     I was reading on a facebook page that I read quite often, Christian Womanhood,and the link to the page is https://www.facebook.com/ChristianWomanhood?ref=br_tf . Mrs. Loretta Walker talks about a book called "God is Crazy about Me"  that she wrote.  I have not read the book yet but it is on my wishlist of books I want.  In it she encourages ladies to have a personal relationship with God. She recommends reading your bible and also look for things in your life and how God shows you He loves you. She said, 
" One of the things that I was taught was to adopt something that represented God's love." Mine is redbirds.
     Why redbirds?  Years ago I read a book called "Redbirds, Rubies and Rainbows" by Mrs. Marlene Evans who was the founder of Christian Womanhood.  She said little unexpected blessings she called redbirds from God.  I started looking for redbirds and I saw those blessings.  I also started seeing redbirds everywhere.  I might have a need that I had only shared with God and then I would see a redbird and I knew it would be okay.  I saw several the day my Moma passed away.  Now everyone who knows me well represents redbirds with me.  I have people who will see a redbird and they say they stop and pray for me.  Redbirds are just one way God shows me His love and care for me. 
     I also love and miss my Moma so much though I know she is in heaven.  So many times since she has passed we will find pennies.  We find them in the oddest places and at the oddest times.  Like the day my daughter got married, a grand was born or maybe I am just so tired and stressed and I need a hug from Moma and I will find a penny.  I see this as God letting me know Moma loved me and it is okay and I will see her again.
    Mrs Loretta says in the article I read, "Hope you are aware of Him on a daily basis." Are you?  Do you have something that represents Gods love for you?  What would you choose if you were to choose one?

God bless,

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Peace, sweet peace!

     I have been feeling overwhelmed and I talked to several of my friends.  There were some suggestions they almost all made.
     They were......
                           1) Take a walk
                           2) Listen to music
                           3) Pray
                           4) Read your bible
     I was lead to the book of Isaiah and these are the verses that stuck with me.  I am sharing them in hopes they will help me and ya'll! Read them, memorize them, post them where you can see them, think on them and claim them against the devil and the stresses.
     1) Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
     2)Isaiah 40:28  Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
      3) Isaiah 40:31  But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
     4) Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
     5)Isaiah 41:13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.
     6) Isaiah 54:10 For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.
     I am going to be doing all of this and I am looking to and trusting God to help me and whoever may be reading this that needs it too.

God bless,
P.S. If you would like a page with these verses printed so you can keep them near you to help you email me at bbcmoma@yahoo.com or comment below or on my facebook page "Living Life With The Love's" 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

30 day Blessing challenge

     This is the challenge-for 30 days starting November 1st through November 30th-you will pray and ask God to show you someone you can be a blessing to.
     What you do for that person each day is up to you. It doesn't have to be big, cost a lot of money and might even be free.  It might be a note, a call, a visit, bake some cookies, take them some flowers, make them a meal, watch their kids, the options are endless.  The only given is you give for no reason other than to be a blessing to someone else.
     Let's see at the end of 30 days what God has done through you, me, all of us.  Will you meet me in this challenge?  Comment below if you are taking the challenge, post on your blog if you have one or your facebook page or you can comment on my facebook page at
At the end of 30 days I will pick one person from all that took and met the challenge and will send them a little blessing in the mail. You just need to let me know here or on my facebook page you are participating and I would also love to hear how it goes.  So will you take the challenge with me?

God bless,

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

****Who Can You Bless Today?****

I am issuing a challenge to anyone who reads this.  The challenge is whenever you read this, stop and pray.  Ask God who you can be a blessing to today.  Blessings don't have to cost a lot and might even be free but to the one receiving it, it might mean the world.  SO will you take the challenge?

God bless,

Thursday, October 24, 2013

~Heart Gifts~


 Have you ever heard of heart gifts?Heart gifts are gifts that would cost nothing or next to nothing. The only thing is that the gift has to be thoughtful and from your heart!  
     Think about what your talents are and how you can bless others with them. Can you sew, can you cook?Use the talents God has given you. For example, maybe you have 3 large apples sitting in your refrigerator right now. How about pulling out your small saucepan and make some nice cinnamon apples for your elderly neighbor down the street? What a wonderful little heart gift that would be! What about the young woman with 3 kids and a husband who just got out of the hospital? What would it mean to her to have you bring a simple crock pot dinner and dessert to her door? Maybe you have flowers in your yard-pick some and take them to the lady who just lost her husband.  Pick up a drink from Sonic for you and the friend who has been seeming down, stop by for a quick visit and give her the drink.  Send a card to someone you have been missing at church. I am off to see what I can do and who I can bless.
Your challenge for today is to think of a heart gift and pass it on!
God bless,

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Encouraging Women

There is nothing like having friends who accept you while encouraging you to be 
all that you were created to be.
     As ladies we go through so much.  We are wives, mothers, sisters, daughters and more and all have expectations from us.  No matter how much you love it all, sometimes it gets hard and you get bogged down. What would it mean if someone noticed and just did a little something to say I care, I noticed, I am here?
     It doesn't take a lot of time or money to encourage someone but it might mean a whole lot. Send a short note, make a call, stop by for a short visit or so many other ideas. One thing we can all do is pray but don't just pray but let them know you prayed.  It is not what you do but just that you did.  

     God has really been keeping this on my heart.  This morning I got on facebook and one of the first things I saw was a friend had posted an encouraging little something you could make for a friend.  I am already thinking of who I could do it for.  I am sharing the link as you might want to do this for someone and also she has lots of other great ideas and resources

God bless,

Tuesday, October 22, 2013



What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.  Psalm 56:3

     I have been working on a devotion for church for a ladies meeting.  I am also doing a bible study with some friends.Both of them have to do with fears we might have.  It has all forced me to look at some fears I have.  
     I have also learned that by holding onto these fears I am holding back in my trust with God. I also have realized that these fears affect my relationships with others.  My fears help form who I am and what I do, where I go and just about all areas of my life.  I may have known this but I have never faced it in the way I am now.  We all have fears of something but we should give those fears to God, we should trust in Him.
      Do you have fears you are holding onto?  Are they affecting your relationship with God, your family, your friends?  I challenge you to stop and think and look hard at your heart, they might be affecting you and even others much more than you think.

God bless,

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Jesus didn't throw the clay away!

     Recently our pastor, Bro J.D.  preached a sermon on the Potter and the Clay.  I have heard this preached many times but this time it really made a big impact on me.  I want to share some of my notes from that sermon with you and I hope it will be a blessing to you too.
     Jeremiah 18:1-6 was his scripture text but the part that really spoke to me was verse 6b Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand,.  When a potter is making something from clay, he chooses what the vessel will be.  God already chose before we were born what He wanted us to be.  To make that vessel the potter has to mold it and make it. As we live our life and things that we experience  or happens to us helps to mold us and what we become.  If we read Gods word, attend church and live for God we will be molded into a vessel of honor and we can be an honor to God.  If we live in the world and the trash it has to offer then the vessel will not mold correctly.  As the potter molds his vessel he chips away the clay that does not smooth or mold well, this is when God removes the sin from our life.  Sometimes the potter must add water to the clay to help it become what he wishes it to be.  For us to become who and what we should we need to have the Living water applied and that is the Word of God.  To get this water we need to have a daily walk with God.  We don't eat just once or twice a week and we need to get in Gods word more than just at church so God can mold you.  Just as the clay yields to the potter we need to yield our lives to God.
     Are you letting God mold you and make you, is the Water getting applied daily and are you becoming a vessel of Honor or are you just a clump of useless clay?  Remember the potter does not throw away the clay and God will never give up on us so you can let the Potter mold you starting now, will you?

God bless,

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Simple Ways You Can Show Your Husband You Love Him!

 I think I have a pretty good marriage but I think we can always make improvements.  I have read lots of articles about different date night ideas and stuff but I was looking for something more.  I wanted simple little ways daily I could show my husband I still love him. Little things that I could do any day or every day.  We have been married for over 25 years and we are almost to the empty nest stage of life. Letting him know he is still important to me and I want to spend time with him is becoming even more of a big deal for me.
     I came up with a list of simple things that you can try no matter what stage of marriage you are at. Have fun with this list, try them and repeat often and see what happens.

1.  Cuddle-this might be a few moments when you go to bed or when you get up.
2.  Watch how you speak to him-this is especially important to Moms of little ones.  You are home all day telling them what to do and not to do.  He doesn’t need a Moma, he needs a wife.
3.  Do what makes him happy-watch his favorite game on TV even is sports is not your thing.  Make a fave meal or special treat.
4.  Give him space-sometimes they need to spend some time just doing what they want-watching sports, playing a game or a guys night for him and his friends. Give him a few minutes when he gets home to distress.
5.  Pray for him-pray with him if he will and definitely pray for him.  Men face lots of pressures and temptations daily. If you are not praying for him, who will?
6.  Compliment him-tell him he looks good, he smells good, etc
7.  Put a note in his briefcase, lunchbox and tell him you love him and miss him when he is gone.
8.  Make home a place he will want to come home to.  Do a quick clean up right before he gets home, have his fave drink waiting on him etc
9.  Kiss him, sometimes a quick smooch or a long passionate one, let him know he is still the one for you.
10.  Don’t nag-find the right time, place and way to talk to him about things you need to discuss.

     These are just a few ways you can show your husband you love him.  I am sure you can think of others. One we can all do is never stop saying I love you.

God bless,

Monday, September 9, 2013

Fall Bucket List

     I saw where a friend had made a bucket list for the fall.  A bucket list is just a list of fun things you would like to do.  I decided it looked like fun so I made one for me.  I am sharing mine in this post.  If you make one I would love to read it too so if you could leave a link to yours in the comments.  Have fun and lets get ready for fall 2013!

Pat's Fall 2013 Bucket List
1) Make homemade apple butter
2) Make fried apple pies
3) Make apple prints with the kids
4) Make leaf rubbings with the kids
5)Carve a pumpkin
6) Go on a nature walk
7) Go on a hayride
8) Make a thankfulness tree
9) Make a pumpkinpie
10) Pop popcorn and have family movie night
11) Make cookies and have family game night
12) Have a weenie roast and make smores with family
13) Have a bonfire
14) Collect canned food for a family in need
15) Drink hot apple cider on the porch with Billy
16) Make and take cookies to a friend
17) Collect mittens and gloves for needy
18) Rake and play in leaves with the kids
19) Have family pictures made
20) Go for a walk in the arboretum with Stephen

     This is what is on my list, what will be on yours?Don't forget to leave a link to yours in the comments.

God bless,

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Letter Writing-a thing of the past or still a treasure?

     We live in an electronic age, people carry their phone, tablet, IPad, computer everywhere they go.  People send emails and texts around the world in a matter of seconds.  We can talk to a friend like they are on our front porch even though they are thousands of miles away.
     There is nothing wrong with any of that.  However, when is the last time you sent a real letter or received one in the mail?  I love opening the mailbox and seeing mail from a friend.  Even if it is only a few lines on a card, it means they took the time to think of me, write me and mail it to me.
     When I was in college and when we first moved away from home, Moma wrote me faithfully at least once a week.  My kids call me a packrat or a hoarder but I sure am glad I saved some of those letters that Moma wrote.  Moma has been gone for almost 6 years and it feels so good to be able to go back and read the words she wrote, where she told me she loved me and more.  They are a treasure to me.
     Emails and texts are nice but you might never know what a card or letter would do for someone.  Take that few minutes while you are waiting at the Dr or something and ask God who you can be a blessing to and write that card or letter. You might just open your mailbox one day and get a card or letter back from them also.  It might just make your day so get out those cards and paper and pen and start writing.

God bless,

Monday, September 2, 2013

How to get God's attention......Sermon Notes!

     We had a guest preacher, Bro Craig Bryan,  this weekend at church. I teach on Sunday mornings but I got to hear the sermon on Sunday night and it really spoke to me so I am sharing my notes here with ya'll.
     His topic was "How we can get God's attention".
     1} By coming to Him in faith----we say we believe in soul winning but if we don't participate, do we really?  We are not saved by works but we should add works or feet to our faith.
     2} By pressing on---when life hits you hard, just keep pushing towards God.  We need to keep on living for, serving and reaching for God.
     3}By falling at Gods feet and worshiping Him.  We need to get back to needing God, just like any parent needs to be needed, God does too. We have to worship God on the mountain top and in the valley.
     4}By touching people---love people, care about people, serve people.  People are out there just waiting to know someone cares.  People need to be touched. We have a whole world of people dying for someone to touch them, let them know someone cares but if we Christians think we are too good to touch them, how shall they come to know the saving touch of God?
     This really spoke to my heart and I am sharing it in case it might touch someone else's also. If it spoke to you and you would like to hear the sermon, let me know and I will get you a copy of the DVD.

God bless,

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

He Restores My Soul!

Psalm 23:He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
     Psalm 23 is some of the first memory verses I learned.  I have read them many, many times.  Yet, I had never had a verse leap out at me like the first part of verse 3 did this morning.  "He restoreth my soul", wow, it hit me. When we are in the midst of the chaos that we call life, God can and will restore our soul. He is waiting there to help us, waiting for us to pray, to ask and He will.  That is powerful!  
     How many times I have said, I am so overwhelmed and I don't know where to turn or what to do.  Yet Jesus is there waiting.  I am a wife, mother, Mamaw, teacher, leader, friend and more.  I have people from every area pulling at me.  I love what I do and I cannot imagine my life being any different.  At the end of the day sometimes I stop to pray, think, read my bible and just breathe, but do I ask God to restore my soul?  It says right there in the bible He will and He is waiting to do just that.
     When you feel life pulling at you and that your strength is almost gone, stop, whisper a prayer to God, ask Him to restore you, He is there waiting and He will.

God bless,

Friday, August 23, 2013

Tea, Owls and God's Wisdom!


      I wrote this for a meeting at church but though I would share it here too.  I hope it might be a blessing to someone.

     I love the evening hours when the sun has started to set and it is just getting dark especially in the fall.  When I lived in the country I loved listening to the crickets, the frogs and especially the owls. I can't hear those things living in the city so much.  I still love to set on my porch and drink some tea or read my bible.  I love this time for just me and God, for me to be quiet and listen for that still small voice.  Unfortunately this rarely happens so how do we get quiet time? 

     We have to make time.  I am a night owl and I function so much better at night so after everyone else goes to bed is the best time for me to try and have quiet time.  Maybe you are an early bird and you need to get up early before the day gets going and have your time.  It doesn’t matter when you meet with God cause He is always available, it is just important that we do.

     What can we do to make sure we have this time?

1) Set a time to have it-if you don’t make a set time, time will get away from you and it won’t get done.

2) Make it convenient-have a basket, bag, table or somewhere that you can keep your bible, a pen, a notebook and room for your tea, coffee or whatever you prefer to drink.

3) Have a place where you won’t be disturbed-I like to have my quiet time on my porch but yours might be your bedroom, a corner, outside or at the kitchen table.

     Most important is not when, where or how but just that you do!

Pat Love 8/13

Monday, July 22, 2013

Dirt Day In Children's Church!

     Every month we try to have a special Sunday.  Yesterday was July's and we had Dirt Sunday.  They say kids learn more and retain it easier when they use more of their senses so I set out to see how many we could use.
     First we had our lesson, we talked about when God created the world and divided the dry land from the seas.  We talked about how much we need dirt to survive.  We need dirt for the trees which help with the oxygen we breathe, the plants we grow to eat and to enjoy.  I never knew how much we need dirt til I started preparing for this lesson, God knew and provided for us.  I bet you will look at dirt differently now too.
     Then we did a coloring picture and on the picture was a flower pot and in the top instead of just coloring the dirt brown we actually spread glue and put real dirt on it.  We passed the dirt around and each one felt it and smelled to see what it smelled like.  Next, we planted some flower seeds in some potting soil and they felt the difference and smelled to see how this special dirt was different from the dirt I had dug up outside.  Last and certainly the favorite we ate dirt.  Now before you spazz out it was crushed oreo cookies, chocolate pudding and gummy worms. 
     The kids seemed to really enjoy their day.  My only regret for the day is that I was so busy enjoying the day with the children that I got no pictures.  Next month is Sweet Sunday and I will come back to share it and I promise I will get pictures then. What do you think about dirt now?
 God bless,

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bible Study----A review and link to download!

Women's Bible Study Review
     Today I will share some key points from the bible study and a link to where you can print the study if you would like to.  Julia also has more points on her blog if you would like to go there and check it out. 
     The points that stuck out to me are these....
     1) She was nameless
     2) The lady had a health problem
     3) She had done all she could, seen the doctors, spent money, tried everything
     4) She heard of Jesus
     5) She knew if she got close to Jesus she would be healed, great faith
     6) She went out and did what she had to so she could get close to Jesus
     7) She placed her faith in Jesus
     8) She was healed right away
     9) Jesus wanted her story shared
    10) Jesus is there waiting for us if we will reach out to Him
    11) We should share what God has done for us with others
     If you would like to print this study follow this link....
     I hope you have enjoyed this study as much as I have and thanks for following along with me.

God bless,

Bible Study Review Points:
  • The woman in our story is nameless.
  • The woman had a health problem.  An “issue of blood”.
  • The woman had seen lots of doctors.
  • The woman had endured lots of treatments.
  • She spent all her money on doctors and treatments.
  • Nothing helped this woman.
  • There was a crowd out that day the lady met Jesus.
  • The woman “heard” of Jesus and finally had hope.
  • Hearing of Jesus prompted this lady to action.
  • She had faith that if she could touch just the clothes of Jesus she would be healed.
  • She had complete faith.  She knew she would be made “whole”.
  • She had to get close to Jesus to put her faith into action.
  • She was healed right away.  It was immediate.
  • Jesus asked for a response from the woman.  “Who touched me?”
  • The woman shared before the people what Jesus had done for her.
  • Jesus will accept our truth as He did that for this woman.
  • Jesus called her “daughter”.  That’s personal.
  • Jesus will accept those who reach out to Him.
- See more at: http://www.made2bcreative.com/blog/?p=5815#sthash.wBS5lkLt.dpuf

Bible Study-----Day 4!

     Sorry here I am a day late again, yesterday was my youngest grands first birthday and I had them part of the day and then his party and the day slipped away before I got this posted.  I humbly apologize if anyone out there is reading this. 
     On the first 3 days we found out this lady was sick, she had done everything she could to get better, spent all her time, money and resources and then she heard of Jesus.  She had the faith and trust that if she could just get close to Jesus she could be healed.  She did all she could and she got close enough to touch the hem of Jesus" garment and she believed she would be healed and she was which brings us to today, our final day with her.
     Today is so exciting, we see she was healed and she didn't have to wait or do this or that, she was healed immediately, right away.  She felt it right away and so did Jesus, he knew that someone had touched him and been healed.  Jesus also wanted the crowd to know what had happened.  He wanted her story to be shared. If you have been saved, you have a story, do you share it with others?  Do you share what god has done for you?
     Questions for personal reflection.....
     1) Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?
     2) If Jesus asked, "Where is your faith?" what would you say?
     3) When is the last time you shared your story of what God has done for you in a group setting?  With another individual on a personal level?
     4) Do your share your heart with Jesus in prayer on a regular basis?
     I hope you have enjoyed this study as much as I have.  In my next post I will share a review and also a link to where you can print the study off if you would like.

God bless,

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bible Study---Day 3!

     Today is day 3 of the bible study and I am excited to learn more about this lady.  Today we learned she had great faith.  She knew if she but touched the garment of Jesus she would be healed.  Yet I am sure it was not easy for her to get to Jesus, she was sick with the issue of blood, she had spent all her money, she had to get through the crowd but she stepped out of her comfort zone and was determined to get to Jesus.
     How often do we not do something we feel led to do or are asked to do because we don't feel comfortable.  In not stepping out and doing as God asks or leads us to do we also may be missing out on blessings that God had for us.  She stepped out of her comfort zone and she was healed.  What could we receive if we stepped out?
     Questions for reflections----
     1) What about this woman's faith inspires you the most?
     2) Do you find it easy to step out of your comfort zone to put your faith into action?
     3) Do you think your faith is as strong as it could be?
     4) What is one thing you could do to build your faith that you are not doing now?
     Tomorrow is the last day of the study and I cannot wait to see how she ties this all together.  I hope you are enjoying this study as much as I am.
God bless,

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bible Study Day 2

     Bible Study Day 2------
     Today we first learn that the lady had heard of Jesus.2nd she had a determination that even though she was sick she was going to get close to Jesus and lastly she had faith that if she could just get near and touch Jesus clothing she would be healed.
     Most of us have had some opportunity to hear of Jesus but how much determination do we have to get close to Him?  How strong is our faith?  Do we trust fully in Jesus or do we first try to fix it ourselves or take care of it?  How much better would we all be if we just reached out for Jesus?
     Questions for reflection----
     1) The people in todays scripture were waiting on Jesus and anticipating what He would say and do.  What about you?  Do you anticipate your time Bible reading and praying with Jesus? Do you anticipate how He can answer your prayers?
     2)Do you actively encourage others?
     3) How often do you tell others about Jesus so they can hear?
     4) In what ways has faith kept you focused?
     Whether you are facing a health issue or other problem or even if life is going along good for you, refelct on these verses and questions and see what God has to teach you.

God bless,
First a little review.  We have met the woman of our story and found out a few of the details that the Bible gives us.  We know that she wasn’t named in the passages, but only referred to as a “certain woman” or just “a woman”.   We know that she had a health issue which was an “issue of blood”, which was most likely a prolonged menstrual bleeding.  We found out that this had lasted “twelve years” for her. - See more at: http://www.made2bcreative.com/blog/?p=5634#sthash.AHqGDUrf.dpuf

Bible Study Day 1

     I saw a bible study for ladies and it was going to be four days only and I thought this would be a good start for me to try doing a bible study.  I was hoping to post here and let ya'll study along.  I did my study for yesterday but sadly did not get my post posted.  Please forgive me and here it is a day late.
     Scripture to study is this.....

Mark 5:24-34

24 And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him.
25 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,
26 And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,
27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.
28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.
29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.
30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?
31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?
32 And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing.
33 But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.
34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.
      Julia in her study talked about several things we could observe and learn from this lady.  She is not named in the bible but it says she had an issue of blood.  She was sick and she had tried everything and spent all her money trying to find answers.  She was at the end of her rope as we say but in her heart she knew if she could just get near Jesus and touch his clothes she could be healed and by her faith she was.
     I wonder how many around her even knew what she was going through?  Did anyone notice, did anyone care?  How many times do we go about our day and we are so focused on us?  Do we miss a lady that we could be a blessing to?  Do we miss a friend that just needs to know someone cares?
     At the end these questions were asked for us to reflect on....
Questions for Personal Reflection:
  • What details have you noticed about this woman so far?
  • Do you ever feel like no one understands you because they don’t know your circumstances and what is taking place in your personal life?
  • Do you think you judge people too quickly before you even know them well?
  • How do you deal with adversity in your life?
- See more at: http://www.made2bcreative.com/blog/?p=5537#sthash.HdLXdrGB.dpuf
     1) What details have you noticed about this lady so far?
     2) Do you ever feel no one understands you because they don't know your circumstances or what you are going through?
     3)Do you think you judge people too quickly before you even get to know them?
     4)How do you deal with adversity in your life?
     I hope you will read these verses and think on what you can learn from this "certain woman" and maybe think of your answers to these questions.  Feel free to join in the study at the site above or follow along here on my blog.

God bless,

Questions for Personal Reflection:
  • What details have you noticed about this woman so far?
  • Do you ever feel like no one understands you because they don’t know your circumstances and what is taking place in your personal life?
  • Do you think you judge people too quickly before you even know them well?
  • How do you deal with adversity in your life?
- See more at: http://www.made2bcreative.com/blog/?p=5537#sthash.HdLXdrGB.dpuf
“And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him.  And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,  And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,  When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.  For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.  And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.  And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?  And his disciples said unto him,  Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?  And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing.   But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.  And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.”   Mark 5:24-34  (KJV) - See more at: http://www.made2bcreative.com/blog/?p=5537#sthash.HdLXdrGB.dpuf
“And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him.  And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,  And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,  When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.  For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.  And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.  And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?  And his disciples said unto him,  Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?  And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing.   But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.  And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.”   Mark 5:24-34  (KJV) - See more at: http://www.made2bcreative.com/blog/?p=5537#sthash.HdLXdrGB.dpuf
“And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him.  And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,  And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,  When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.  For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.  And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.  And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?  And his disciples said unto him,  Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?  And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing.   But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.  And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.”   Mark 5:24-34  (KJV) - See more at: http://www.made2bcreative.com/blog/?p=5537#sthash.HdLXdrGB.dpuf

Monday, July 15, 2013

With A Touch-Online Ladies Bible Study!

     I will be participating in this online bible study for ladies this week.    It's called, "With a Touch" concerning the woman in Mark 5 and Luke 8. It only last four days so it is totally doable.
     I will be blogging here each day starting tomorrow about the study.  If you would like to join in then go to Julia's blog above.  If you just want to follow along with me I would love to see you back here each day.  At the end of the week you will also have the option to print it out and she may have some other goodies available also.
     I use lots of Julia's materials in my ministries at church so even if you don't do the bible study you should really check out her site at http://juliabettencourt.com/
    Hope to see you back here tomorrow and prayerfully we will all grow in Christ as ladies.
God bless,

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Random thoughts!


     God has been talking to me about some things and I thought that I would share them with ya'll.  I know this is not new but it is one of those thoughts that bears repeating.  It is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  It does not say do unto them what they will do to you but what you would want them to do.  If you use others, treat them with disrespect or lie to them, how do you think they are going to treat you,  But more than that, if they ask you to do something for them or spend time with them etc and you are always too busy or just can't for whatever lame excuse how long do you think they are going to keep asking or what do you think they are going to say when you need them to do something for you?
     Another is bless and be blessed.  Again I know you know this but just sharing a reminder.  When you bless someone they might not can bless you in return and you should not be looking for them to.  If you bless someone just to be a blessing then God will bless you in return.  Some people say well I never get blessed in return, maybe you are missing the blessings.  Maybe your blessing was someone letting you go ahead of you in line when you are in a hurry, maybe they held the door open when your hands were full or they let you turn at that light that changes in a second in the turn lane.  Not all blessings are huge but they are blessings.  Take a few moments and see how many times you are blessed.  One thing I am learning is just don't look for them, just do for others, getting to do for someone else should bless your heart in itself. 
      These are just a couple of random thoughts God has been showing me.....I hope they are a blessing to you.  Go out and see whose life you can change today, it might just be your own.
God bless,

Friday, July 5, 2013

Food, family and fireworks 2013

     What did you and yours do on the 4th?  I spent much of the day with family.  Anytime I can spend time with family it is a good time. 
    Part of the day was spent watching the grands play in their pools.......

     We also had a cook out and Jonathan grilled the meat and some veggies.  We also had potato salad which they devoured so fast I never got a picture of it........
     Then to wind down and end the day on a good note we went to a neighboring town to watch the fireworks.  Everyone enjoyed it, well Jet slept through it but the rest were having a blast.
     All in all it was a good day and I am so blessed to have gotten to spend it with the ones I love!  I hope your day was as wonderful as mine was!

God bless,


Taking a Break to see if I want to continue

I am taking a break from here.  I am not sure if I want to continue or if my blog is another thing that is just a thing of the past.  I ...